According to ancient Chinese beliefs, using crystal combs on the scalp and body can promote both inner health and outer beauty. This self-healing and meditative practice aims to release trapped energy in the body's meridians and is considered one of the purest and most authentic forms of Gua Sha. In addition, it can aid in detoxifying the body by improving blood circulation. The practice also nourishes the scalp to stimulate hair growth, stimulate hair at the root to help oils soak deeper beneath the skin, and relieve headaches by targeting the meridians and releasing stagnant lymphatic fluid and inflammation.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, the scalp is home to many meridians, or acupuncture channels, that run from the forehead to the base of the neck. By using the Rose Quartz Crystal Comb to massage the scalp, tissues beneath the skin are revitalized. This process increases oxygen flow and balances pH levels, which can help prevent inflammation, toxins, and clogged pores. The comb can also stimulate acupuncture points, leading to improved blood circulation, reduced headaches, and healthier and faster hair growth. Additionally, combing in serums with the Rose Quartz Crystal Comb can further promote healthy hair growth, reduce dandruff, and aid in relaxation.
The arms and legs each have 6 primary meridians that can be stimulated to boost energy and blood flow, resulting in improved skin tone and reduction of cellulite and stretch marks.
The ritual of combing one's hair, and then using the Gua Sha comb, is still a popular practice in modern China. This technique directly stimulates acupuncture points and meridians on the scalp and body, promoting qi and blood flow. This can lead to a healthier complexion, shiny hair, and firm skin by increasing blood circulation and nourishing the face and body.
Why Rose Quartz?
Rose Quartz has excellent properties that can enhance blood flow and oxygenation in the skin, stimulate collagen production, calm sensitive skin, and promote lymphatic drainage, aiding in removing waste and toxins from the body.
Rose Quartz is widely recognized as the stone of unconditional love, offering profound inner healing and tranquility. It is renowned for its ability to purify the heart, soothe and reassure, boost self-esteem, instill confidence, and maintain emotional balance.
What is Gua Sha?
Gua Sha (pronounced "gwah-shah") is a traditional medicine therapy that involves applying pressure to the skin using a smooth-edged gemstone. This process, also known as scraping, can cause minor bruises or red spots, referred to as Sha.
According to ancient Chinese medicine, a person's chi, or energy, must be balanced to maintain good health and wellbeing. Blockages in this flow of energy can lead to conditions such as joint pain, muscle tension, illnesses, skin problems, and other physical and emotional symptoms. By releasing blocked energy, Gua Sha massages can rebalance the body and alleviate aches and stiffness.