Personal Growth (1)

Surrender is not easy, but it is a journey worth taking.

Aug 8, 2023Melanie Burgers

"Ultimately there is nothing I can tell you about surrender except Having nothing and wanting nothing; Not keeping score, Not trying to be richer, Not being afraid of losing; Not being particularly interested in our own personalities; Choosing to be happy, no matter what happens to us. These are some of the clues. The rest we learn with practice and grace." Swami Chetanananda     -- "Surrender is not about giving up. It's about letting go of control and trusting in the universe." In this quote, Swami Chetanananda talks about the importance of surrender. He says that surrender is not about giving up, but about letting go of control and trusting in the universe. This is a key concept in the yamas and niyamas, the first two limbs of Patanjali's eightfold path of yoga. The yamas are five ethical restraints, while the niyamas are five observances. One of the yamas is aparigraha, which means non-possessiveness. This means letting go of our attachment to material possessions and experiences. When we are attached to things, we are not truly free. We are constantly worried about losing what we have or not getting what we want. This can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety. Surrender is the ultimate act of aparigraha. When we surrender, we let go of our attachment to control and our need to be in charge. We trust that the universe has our best interests in mind and that everything is happening for a reason. This can be a difficult concept to grasp, but it is essential for living a happy and fulfilling life. Here are some tips for practicing surrender: Meditate regularly. Meditation can help you to quiet your mind and connect with your inner wisdom. When you are more mindful, you are less likely to be caught up in the ego's need for control. Practice gratitude. Taking time to appreciate the good things in your life can help you to let go of your attachment to material possessions and experiences. When you are grateful, you are more likely to focus on the present moment and less likely to worry about the future. Be open to change. The world is constantly changing, and so must we. If we are not open to change, we will always be fighting against the current. Surrender means accepting change and allowing it to flow through us. Surrender is not easy, but it is a journey worth taking. When we surrender, we open ourselves up to a new level of freedom and peace. We no longer have to worry about controlling everything, and we can trust that the universe has our best interests in mind.

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Surrender is not easy, but it is a journey worth taking.